License Request

Choose one of the web forms below

New Endorsement
License Renewal
Purpose Change Procedure

Submit a request to establish a new institution

Submit a request to establish a new institution

-Procedures for obtaining initial approval - Granting the initial certification certificate / Refusal to grant the institution the initial certification certificate

Submit a request to establish a new institution

-Procedures for obtaining initial approval - Granting the initial certification certificate / Refusal to grant the institution the initial certification certificate

Submit a request to establish a new institution

-Procedures for obtaining initial approval - Granting the initial certification certificate / Refusal to grant the institution the initial certification certificate

In the case of individual personalities, please attach the following documents to the institution's registration application

  • The criminal record, provided that it does not go back more than three months from the date of submitting the application.
  • Identification documents for each of the founders.

Documents related to the founders of the MFI in the case of legal persons:

  • Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
  • Certificate of registration.
  • The last audited budget and income statement.

In the case of microfinance institutions owned by a foreign entity:

(If more than 50% of the institution’s shares are owned by non-Sudanese, or by institutions registered outside Sudan and part of the global microfinance group).

  • The approval of the Board of Directors of the Microfinance Corporation to establish a branch in Sudan.
  • The approval of the Board of Directors of the Microfinance Corporation to establish a branch in Sudan.
  • Mention the body that monitors the group and whether the supervisory body is aware of the applicant’s plan to work in Sudan.


-Initial request for MFU registration 

-A personal questionnaire for candidates for membership on the boards of microfinance institutions, departments 

-Personal candidates for membership questionnaire boards of MFIs departments In smaller finance expert

-Nomination for the post of deputy director general of the form Director General of the MFU 

-Survey competence and integrity of the founder of the non-banking financial institutions model 

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